A hospital chargemaster is a comprehensive list of a hospital’s products, procedures, and services. Everything from prescription drugs to supplies for diagnostic tests has a unique price listing in the chargemaster. Major components include revenue codes that reflect the site of service and applicable CPT/HCPCS codes that indicate the service provided/charged.

Poor matches between these code sets may lead to distorted cost centers, lost revenue, charges bundled that should be separately reported and incomplete departmental charging.

Webinar’s Goals

  • Understand chargemaster code functions
  • Understand revenue leakage resulting from poor chargemaster structure
  • Understand why correct departmental charging is vital to revenue integrity
  • Appropriate training for charge entry staff
  • Billing attention to posted charges

Who Should Attend

  • Chargemaster Maintenance Staff
  • Compliance staff
  • Billers
  • Coders
  • Revenue Cycle Managers & Staff
  • Risk Management
  • Charge entry staff

Venue: Recorded Webinar

Enrollment option


Dorothy D. Steed
Dorothy Steed is an Independent Healthcare Consultant and Educator.   She has served as Medicare specialist and a physician audit supervisor for hospital systems with 47 years of experience in healthcare. She is an instructor at a state technical college in Georgia and provides auditing & training in both facility and physician services. She is credentialed…

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